Kastamonu is a small – but still an area capital town in the mountains near Black Sea, Turkey. It has the tiniest airport I’ve ever seen – well, maybe one of the tiniest 🙂 – and feels a properly calm place for a jump from a big city.

Though, if you don’t speak Turkish here you may be, let’s say, in need of using your Google translator too often 🙂 And if you book a good hotel, be sure that they will call you three times to make sure everything is OK and of course will be speaking Turkish.


As for me, I’ve been studying it a little bit lately – I mean, for real! at a school! 🙂 – and maybe got a bit overconfident. Possibly, I should stop relying too much on my ability to actually understand words and switch back to the old way of just looking at the person and guessing what they may want to say… (yes, working on it! )

I felt quite productive there and made several paintings – and the public in the streets was very actively engaged 🙂 

The main street:

Back street and a rock

And now – just some photos from the spot…


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