I created this piece sitting in a street cafe – like a small park for locals and a playground combined with a cafe, as it happens often in Turkish small towns – and it happened mostly randomly. I’d say, it created itself, taking advantage of my relaxed mood when I was just sketching stuff around without any particular purpose, with my coffee at my side…
I drew a man, who made a perfect model, deep in his thoughts – or maybe just resting thoughtlessly, who knows? And then I decided to put these verses on it. Since I was going to put them down anyway. These lines came to me that morning when I woke up in this town of Azdavay, in a hotel room where I could just make two steps from and land myself at a table in that street yard cafe. It happened to me before – when you just wake up with a line and start thinking, what it might mean and then you find the other lines that follow. But not very often in recent years.
Who was this man? He looked like an old, possibly a working man, tired – or just deep in his thoughts? – with his fairly old suit jacket with padded shoulders sitting awkwardly on him. Maybe, he was a poet and a philosopher in his soul. Or maybe not. Should one be a philosophical mind himself to fit a bunch of strange lines on a piece of paper?