Here I want to introduce for you one of my watercolors from this last summer (June 2019).
This is a tree – and yes, it really exists! It grows in a park in city of Lviv or Leopoli in the west of Ukraine. And yes, it is really high!
This is an old park in a very central and “business” part of the city situated right in front of one of the major universities. As you can guess, students can be seen quite often there, drinking their coffee, having lunch when the weather is nice, studying their lectures, or just chatting and relaxing on the benches.

You can see this artwork also in my online gallery here.
Other frequent visitors are moms and dads with strollers, elderly men and women, and many city pedestrians who choose the paths through this park as a more pleasant way to get from point A to point B.
I do like it a lot and when I’m in Lviv I come here frequently for many reasons – from drinking a cup of street cappuccino in a park kiosk to working with my computer in the fresh air.
And this, combined with my usual attraction to trees, leaves, and any kind of grass and green – naturally led to that I came here with my easel some day.
This tree is one of the many there. A big and adult fir tree, that must have lived a long life and seen a lot. It cannot tell us what – at least, to those who don’t speak the language of the trees. But somehow it stopped me on the way, with its surrounding friend trees – and now they all send you their greetings!
See more of my paintings in my online gallery